Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cytoplasm may be 70 percent water.

Your body has 10 strattera 40mg trillion cells. The largest human cells, about the diameter of human hair, but most human cells less - perhaps one-tenth the diameter of human hair. Run your fingers in your hair out and look at one thread. This is not very thick - maybe 100 microns in diameter (micron equals one millionth meter, so 100 microns is tenths of a millimeter). A typical human cell can be one tenth the diameter of the hair (10 microns). Look at your little finger - it can represent 2 or 3 billion cells or so, depending on the size of you. Imagine a whole house full of peas, baby. If building your little finger, pea cells. It was a lot of cells! Bacteria of the simplest cells that exist today. Bacteria of one, autonomous, living cells.

Bacteria Escherichia coli (or E. coli bacteria

) is typical - it is about one one hundredth the size of human cells (probably microns long and one-tenth of a micron), so it is invisible without. When you get an infection, bacteria swim around large cages as small boat next to a large ship. Bacteria are much simpler than human cells. The bacterium is composed of the outer shell are called cells

membrane, and within membrane watery fluid called the cytoplasm.

Cytoplasm may be 70 percent water. The remaining 30 percent of full proteins, called

enzymes that the cell produces, and smaller molecules like amino acids, the molecules of glucose and ATP. In the center of the cell DNA ball (similar to a cotton ball activity). If you were to stretch this into one long DNA strand, it will be extremely large in comparison with bacteria - approximately 1000 times more! The bacterium Escherichia coli has a distinctive, capsule form. The outer cells of the cell membrane, shown here in orange. In Escherichia coli, in fact there are two closely spaced membranes protect cells. Inside the cytoplasm membrane, consisting of millions of enzymes, sugars, ATP and other molecules that float freely in water. In the center of the cell DNA. DNA as a cotton ball up-line. There is no protection of DNA in bacteria - Quilted measures ball floats in the cytoplasm around the center of the cell. Attached to the outside of the cell are long strands called flagella

, the movement of cells. Not all bacteria have flagella, but not human cells in them, except sperm. In human cells is much more complex than bacteria. They contain special nuclear membrane to protect DNA, membranes and additional structures like mitochondria and Golgi bodies, as well as many other advanced features. However, the fundamental processes are the same in bacteria and human cells, so we start with the bacteria. .

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