Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Protective clothing such other precautions ...

Pneumococcus - on safety (MSDS) NAME: Streptococcus pneumonia SYNONYM OR Links: pneumococcus,

dyplokokk, Pneumococcal pneumonia

CHARACTERISTICS: Gram-positive diplococci,

alpha-hemolysis on blood agar, no specific antigen group

optionally anaerobic, lancet form or in chains, more than 90 serotypes

pathogens: sudden onset of chills sotryasayuschyy,

pleural pain, dyspnea, cough productive of sputum and rusty

leukocytosis, clinical signs include pneumonia, bacteremia,

otitis media, meningitis, sinusitis, peritonitis and arthritis;

Begin may be less dramatic in the elderly requiring x-rays for diagnosis;

in children vomiting and convulsions may be the initial manifestations;

important causes of death in infants and the elderly, 5-10% mortality

with antibiotic therapy, and 20-40% among patients with

underlying disease, neurological complications and / or training

disabilities may occur in patients with meningitis

3 different shapes of bacteria

EPIDEMIOLOGY: Continuing endemic

especially in childhood, old age and alcoholics more often

industrial cities and low socio-economic groups found in the >> << climate and season, the highest incidence in winter and spring in temperate zones

usually sporadic in North America, but can occur in epidemic

in enclosed public

hosts: infectious dose: mode of transmission: by airborne droplets, by direct

oral contact, indirectly, via contaminated fresh articles

with respiratory discharges, human-to-human transmission

organisms are common, but illness among casual contacts and attendants

rarely incubation period: communicability: Infectious classified as

mouth and nose no longer contain virulent pneumococci in

considerable amount penicillin provides patient noninfectious

within 24-48 hours, many people are carriers, the risk of infection

after contact with a carrier or infected person low, except


Reservoir: zoonoses: sensitivity vectors drug: drug-resistant high level resistance to penicillin

; resistance to other therapeutic agents such as TMP / SMX,

erythromycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone and cefotaxime

susceptibility to disinfectants:

susceptible to many disinfectants - 1% solution of sodium hypochlorite, 70% ethanol, 2%

hlutaraldehyd, formaldehyde, iodine << Physical >> inactivation : survival BEYOND Head: Observations: FIRST AID / treatment: penicillin G, enter

parenterally (erythromycin for those hypersensitive to penicillin

) >> << Immunization: Prevention: acquisition of infection by laboratory methods: 78 recorded

cases streptococci. 4 deaths in 1976, and the fifth

The most common infections in the lab

sources / samples: sputum, blood, respiratory secretions

, throat swabs

PRIMARY danger: Specific hazards: MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: 2-level biosafety containment practices

equipment and facilities for all >> << activities involving known or potentially infected clinical materials and cultures

; animal 2 First level biosafety facilities for research using

infected animals Protective Clothing: Other precautions: spill: Allow aerosols to decide to wear

protective clothing, gently cover spill absorbent> ;> << a paper towel and apply 1% sodium cheap strattera hypochlorite solution from the perimeter and working

in the center, to provide sufficient contact time (30 min) to clear

WASTE : disinfection before disposal;

steam sterilization, chemical disinfection, incineration

STORAGE: Date prepared: May 2001

Prepared by: Office of Laboratory Security,

PHAC Although the information, opinions and recommendations contained

in this MSDS, they compiled from sources

, believed that strong, we are not responsible for the accuracy and adequacy

reliability or for any loss or damage >> < <the use of this information. Recently discovered dangers

often, and this information can not be completely up to date with

. Health Canada, 2001. << >>

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